
Where's Slater When You Need Him?

Oh, this is sad.

That this lady broke into a hotel room to steal video games is sad enough. But the fact that it was Screech's room...and she didn't seem to care? If it was a fan, the opening sentence would have said so. But, no, Screech "scuffled with a random-ass* woman." That's fine on her end, but it's gotta be a blow to his already-fragile ego.

I just had a mental picture of a "fan" of Screech's. What would they call themselves? "Screechies?" "Screeching Sidekicks?" "The Samuel 'Screech' Powers-es?" I'm creeping myself out.

*bolded words are strictly editorial, and do not actually appear in this "news" story.


Jake said...

Poor Dustin. I do like how he accuses the NYC financial bigwig who dicked him over as "screwing the working man." It's actually apt--I probably have more money than Dustin at this point...

Unknown said...

Dude, *I* probably have more money than Dustin at this point! But if a guy like MC Hammer can go broke, so can Dustin Diamond.

And a certain unnamed (but lusted-after by boys across the country) cast member of SBtB once told my cousin that the cast was quite often scared that Dustin would bring a bomb to the set.